IAC Acoustics Provides a Noishield® Regular Wall to Help Quiet Brooklyn Neighborhood
In this case, the property owner was utilizing a gas-powered generator to remain off the grid. To keep the generator cool, they were utilizing a roof-mounted radiator very close to the property line as well as a neighbor’s window. A noise complaint from the neighbor shortly ensued and some provisional but unsatisfactory remediations were made.
Recommendations QuietStar Industries (QSI) recommended to Maraschino to enlist the services of an acoustic consultant in order to fi nd out exactly what needed to be done. The Cerami & Associates report indicated that the noise level at the property line needed to be reduced by 10 dB in order to meet the New York City nighttime noise levels and that a partial enclosure around the radiator would do the trick.
Installation & Acoustical Performance QuietStar Industries designed and installed a 3-sided Noishield Regular wall using galvanized construction and panels having an STC 40 and NRC 0.95. New structural steel was incorporated into the design to support the wall as well as cut-outs to accommodate several pipe penetrations. In the end, the design intent was met as the noise levels at the property line were now in adherence to New York City code.